Friday, 24 January 2025

Inspiration in Unexpected Places: Tractor Tracks & Crochet

Hello! I wanted to share a little bit with you today about where I find inspiration for my crochet designs. You see, sometimes it's in the most unexpected places!


The other day, I was walking the dogs along the golf links and I noticed these incredible tractor tracks and green keepers' buggy marks in the sand. It was a super frosty morning and the tracks were dusted with ice crystals, highlighting their geometric formations. The way in which they intersected and overlapped was mesmerising and I started to see stitch patterns emerging, shapes taking form.
And that's how it often begins for me. A fleeting image, a texture, a colour combination – it all sparks the creative fire! I start to imagine how I can translate that feeling, that visual, into a piece of crochet. In this case there's a filet crochet project coming to mind from the photo above and perhaps something in colour work from the photo below.

I'm always curious to know if you find things like this inspiring too? Do you take photos or maybe even keep a sketchbook? Do you collect interesting, tactile objects? 
I'd love to hear your thoughts and also share more about my creative process in the future. Stay tuned to see if these tyre tracks do make it into a future project (hint: the best way to do that is to subscribe to my mailing list).

Until next time, happy crocheting,

Marta xx

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