Showing posts with label crochet pattern writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crochet pattern writing. Show all posts

Friday, 19 January 2024

Ready To Write Up Your First Crochet Pattern?

Ready To Write Up Your First Crochet Pattern?

Hello! Have you set yourself any goals for this year? I have a few crochet business related goals which I'll let you know more about as the year unfolds but my main question for you today is "are you ready to write up your first crochet pattern"?

The major goal in my life for 2024 is to declutter my house and create a calm, clean & tidy environment to live and work in. For some, this would be an easy-peasy goal but I'm a naturally messy, chaotic person so for me this is BIG. And I'm working on it. Earlier in the week I had to enlist the help of my dad to take a car full of stuff to the charity shop and the clothes recycling bin. After he left, I felt so much lighter, like I could breathe properly again - such an amazing feeling! 

I'm not stopping here, this was simply the initial push in the right direction. As I'm preparing for the puppy arriving on Friday (today for you!) I'm having a really thorough clean and tidy, moving anything I don't want chewed well out of reach. My YARN! Gosh, I'm going to have to be super careful about where I leave that lying around. For now the sofa will be fine, but it won't be long before he can scale that! Any advice on crocheting with a puppy in the mix gladly received!

Going back to crochet goals, maybe this is the year that you've decided you'll finally write up your first crochet pattern? Have you got some scribbled notes on the back of an envelope that you've been telling yourself you'll write up "one day"? Let me tell you, there's never been a better time to start publishing crochet patterns!

I know what you're thinking - "but Marta, there are already so many patterns out there, surely there's no space for me?". Not true. More people are crocheting now than ever and new platforms for selling patterns are popping up, new crochet magazines are appearing, new classes are starting all over the place. Now is the time to pull up your big girl pants and begin your pattern writing journey.

Text: How to write up a crochet pattern course. Image: granny squares, yarn and hooks

I have some GOOD NEWS, my How To Write Up A Crochet Pattern Course has all the info you need to take your scribbles of a pattern to the level where you're ready to publish. I've been where you are now, so I've learnt the hard way what to do/ what not to do and in my course I take you through it all, step-by-step, making it as EASY as possible for you.

Do you want more good news? This course is included in my January offer, so there's currently 15% off the usual price. This is the first time I've discounted it since its launch in 2022 and it will be the last time you see it at this price for a long time.

If it's something you're dreaming of doing in 2024, go ahead and check it out TODAY!

Your special discount code is JAN24 to save 15% on my website and on Ravelry!

Would you like more good news? My email subscribers have been given a 25% discount code - you can have this code too when you subscribe to my mailing list!  

Until next time, happy crocheting,

Marta xx

Solid colours, variegated yarn or self striping yarn for socks … help!

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