Friday, 23 May 2014

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design Degree Show 2014

I had an hour in Dundee this morning to take a speedy look around the Degree Show at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. I graduated from this art college in 2000 after studying Fine Art, specialising in sculpture. As soon as I entered the building the distinctive art college smell of oil paint and turps took me right back to to my student days. I enjoyed walking the familiar corridors which have changed very little since then.

I decided to concentrate on Fine Art and Textile departments because I was so pushed for time. In the Fine Art department I was struck by the variety of techniques and media that the students had used. My visit began at 10am and there were no artists there to talk to and ask permission to take photos so I am unable to share any images with you on here. I settled for taking a photo from the 6th floor corridor, from the window my middle sister, Aimee Henderson (BA(Hons), 2011), looked out of when it was her studio!

The view from the 6th floor, looking across the River Tay

By the time I reached the Textiles department the students had woken up and I was pleased to chat to a few of them. I enjoyed the work of Jennifer Heilbronn because of her eye catching use of mega chunky yarn!

Jennifer's tunisian crochet

I liked Jennifer's use of colour, mainly blues and oranges, invoking images of the sea, sand and maritime life. Take a look at her website, the photography is stunning!

I am looking forward to next year's show, when I will definitely make sure there is time to see more work!


  1. Art is a subject near and dear to my heart. I would love to see some of your sculptures. I hope you start posting on here again. :)

  2. Thank you Pam for this reminder to start blogging again - I didn't mean to be away for as long as I have! I did my degree in the pre-digital era so all my photos are on old fashioned printed out photos. I will endeavour to take a few photos of the sculptures I still have access to and do a blog post on them soon. xx


Solid colours, variegated yarn or self striping yarn for socks … help!

Hello! In today's blog post I'm going to help you navigate the exciting world of colour choices for crocheting socks. I’ll go throug...