Monday, 29 March 2021

Name change! (formerly mrsdaftspaniel)

Hello! Hopping on here to let you know about my recent decision to change my username both here on the blog and on Instagram. It's something that I've been considering for a while now but I've been slightly aprehensive about doing it; 1) in case my following totally drops in the confusion and 2) mrsdaftspaniel is very much a part of me, I feel a sense of betrayal almost. Weird, it's only a name!

I joined Instagram back in 2012 when I got my first smart phone! I remember the excitement of downloading the app because I had been watching it vicariously over my hubby's shoulder (he's daftspaniel). When it came to choosing a username I just plumped for mrsdaftspaniel, not realising how involved I would become with the crafting community on Instagram and how much my account would grow.  The photo below is my very first Instagram post, I look so different!

When I set up my Ravelry store and later my Lovecrafts store I chose the slightly more professional name of Marta Mitchell Designs - more of a "does what it says on the tin" type name. It's clean, it includes my name, it doesn't have the word crochet in it because I may branch into knitting design, who knows?

My aim is that by streamlining my name across all platforms it should make it easier for all my lovely followers to find me and not be confused by two different names (perhaps you're even reading this and hadn't realised they were both created by the same person?). So, I tested the waters by changing it on Pinterest a few weeks ago and that went smoothly, phew! (Not following me on Pinterest? You can find me here).

I hope that explains it all. Writing it all out has certainly helped me, it does feel like the end of an era letting go of mrsdaftspaniel but I'm feeling confident that it's the right step forward - I have exciting plans for my business, more on this later ...

Marta xx


Solid colours, variegated yarn or self striping yarn for socks … help!

Hello! In today's blog post I'm going to help you navigate the exciting world of colour choices for crocheting socks. I’ll go throug...