Monday, 23 May 2022

Introducing Nicole Riley's new crochet eBook; Crochet Anything With Squares

photo © Nicole Riley

Hello! I'd like to introduce you to a crochet friend of mine, Nicole Riley (above), who has released an eBook on the theme of turning crochet sample squares into something useful! I should say right away that this blog post contains affiliate links to Nicki's eBook and that all photos are copyright Nicole Riley.

Have you got a collection of sample squares or guage swatches languishing in a basket or drawer somewhere? You've kept them because they might come in useful for something? Then, Crochet Anything With Squares is the book for you! There are 84 pages in the eBook with 30 patterns to choose from, all re-purposing something you've already made! There are a large variety of patterns (as you can see below) and, like me, Nicki makes video tutorials to support her patterns.

photo © Nicole Riley

I really like the look of the slippers (middle of the bottom row), they look super easy to make! 

Nicki has chosen to release this eBook for a very short time, cart closes at 7am, Wednesday 25th May, BST, so there's only a small window to take advantage of this opportunity!

Take a look at Crochet Anything With Squares and see if it's the eBook for you. Personally, I think that if you like quick projects and working from your laptop or print outs it will be perfect for you. If you prefer long term projects and the smell of printed books then it's maybe not for you. Take a look for yourself and decide.

I'll be back here at the end of the week, until then happy crocheting,

Marta xx

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