Monday, 9 January 2023

Looking after your hands: 5 top tips every crocheter should know!

Hello! Today I'd like to focus on the important topic of looking after our hands. It's something we all know we should be doing but in reality it's something we often overlook - myself included!

When we crochet our hands and wrists are doing a lot of work and we do need to take care of them to avoid stress or injury to the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones that we use. Prevention is always better than cure, so I have 5 top tips for you which I'll share with you below.

1. Take frequent breaks

I know, I know! You're really enjoying sitting comfy on the sofa, the stitches are flying off your hook and you want to do one more row! BUT, taking breaks is really important. Even if it's just 5 minutes, get up, move around, go empty the dishwasher (shudders!), anything that means you're not crocheting for long periods at a time. 30-60 minutes is the max you should do in 1 session.


2. Change where you're sitting

Switch things up! If you were sitting on the sofa, move to the dining table. You could try standing at a counter top or a standing desk if you have one. This will change your whole body's alignement and help relieve strain on certain areas.


3. Do some stretches

A few simple stretches before a crochet session will help to prepare your hands and wrists for the actions to follow. At the end of your session you can repeat the exercises to help relieve any tension which has built up too. I've uploaded a short YouTube video sharing a few simple exercises - go check it out here!


4. Have different projects on the go

YES! I am hereby giving you permission to have multiple WiPs! By switching from an amigurumi project with a 3mm hook to a chunky jumper with an 8mm hook you will be using completely different muscle groups, meaning you can crochet for longer periods!


5. Give your hands and wrists a massage

Apply some handcream and gently rub it in, feeling out for any niggles and easing them away as you go. I really enjoy this little ritual and my hands feel softer and less likely to catch on the yarn too!

Are there any other tips you'd like to share? Leave me a comment, I'd be interested to find out.

I really hope this post has been useful for you. If it has I'd encourage you to sign up to my mailing list to receive valuable posts like this straight to your inbox. You can subscribe here.

Until next time, happy crocheting,

Marta xx


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