Tuesday, 31 January 2023

How I became a crochet designer, part 2


Hello! This is part 2 in my 'How I became a crochet designer' series and in this email I'm actually going further back in time, to when my Nana tried to teach me to knit! If you missed part 1 you can find it in this blog post.

My nana, pictured above with my middle sister and me (right), always had something on the needles and I would sit and watch as she knitted clothes for my dolls or socks for my dad, fascinated by the process of creating something so intricate from a simple ball of wool.
She was a prize winning knitter, winning first prize at local and national level for her Shetland lace shawls - they were stunningly beautiful.
My nana tried to teach me of course. I remember, aged 10, knitting a brown and yellow mitt to wear with my Brownie uniform. Second Mitt Syndrome struck and its partner never made an appearance!
I didn't really take to knitting back then, possibly because she made it look so slick and fast and I felt so clunky and slow. There were other cast ons as well as the mitts, but never any cast offs!
I wish she could see me now! As far as knitting goes, I'm still slow but I am FINISHING things!! And this early introduction to playing with yarn defineltely led to my later love of crochet. Sure, my nana crocheted too, everyone did back then - I possibly even saw her doing it, but to my untrained eye everything was classed as knitting.
The lesson in this for me was don't give up! I could clearly see the potential of creating with wool and although it was knitting which had initially attracted me, it was later that crochet sealed the deal!
I'll share the later part of my story next week and if you'd like to read more about my childhood knitting journey in the meantime, the blog post titled 'Why I was banished from knitting in Primary School' might interest you!

My nana with my eldest son

Can I give you a quick reminder that today is the last day to buy my Bandwagon Mitts at the special price of just £3.60! This crochet design is my current pattern of the month - simply add the code JAN23 at the checkout on Ravelry and on my website!

Until next time, happy crocheting,
Marta xx

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