Saturday, 10 August 2024

Top 5 YouTube Channels for Crochet

a collage of 5 women holding up various crochet projects.

Hello! I'm sharing 5 top YouTube podcast channels because in today’s technological age, this digital platform has become an invaluable resource for crocheters of all levels (in fact, I bet many of you even learnt via YouTube!). From new stitches to discovering inspiring projects, there's a vast wealth of knowledge and creative possibilities, all at your fingertips. However I believe that crochet podcasts have become more than just a source of inspiration; they foster a sense of community, connecting crocheters worldwide through shared passions, tips, and stories, creating lasting friendships along the way.

This post aims to shine the spotlight on five exceptional YouTube channels that deliver top-notch crochet podcasts, sharing reliable and engaging crochet content. These are the crocheters I turn to again and again when I'm looking for company whilst I stitch away myself and they give me so much inspiration, I love them and I hope you do too! Without further ado and in no particular order (I couldn't possibly choose a favourite!), here are some incredible crochet channels.

Catherine Crochets: Colourful Creations and Crochet Know-How: 

Catherine is a London based crocheter & designer who creates beautiful blankets, home décor items and accessories. She specialises in colourwork designs, and tapestry crochet in particular (she has many tutorials for this on her channel too). Catherine recently took up knitting, so there's a bit of that in the mix too to keep things interesting. I enjoy the quiet, gentle pace of her podcasts, I feel like I have a yarn loving friend chatting away beside me. You'll find Catherine on YouTube here.

Crochet Luna: From California with Love: 

Claudia is originally from El Salvador and is currently living in California. Her channel is mostly crochet with a little knitting too. She uses really beautiful yarns and is a big fan of my Fabulous Socks! pattern (her last few episodes have featured them which is always fun for me to see!). Claudia also has an Etsy shop where she sells projects bags, scissor fobs and the many pins and mugs she has designed. I love her down-to-earth advice, she always says "make what you love!", I'm sure you'll enjoy her channel too, find it here.

Sunbird Crochet: Colourful Crochet Magic from Germany: 

Claudia has become a really good friend of mine over the last few years, it feels as though there is no distance between us at all. She is a german crocheter with exceedingly good english, no subtitles required! One of the things she is best known for is taking colourwork knitting patterns and interpreting them in crochet form - they work out beautifully! Claudia is getting ready to celebrate 4 years on the channel, 4 years of sharing her fabulous finished garments - so many colourful yokes to behold! She shares a lot of yarn related purchases too which are always interesting to see. Be sure to check out Claudia's channel here, you won't be disappointed!

Cosy Cottage Crochet: A Mother's Yarny Journey: 

Hannah's podcast is all about crochet, a little bit of knitting and sewing, and generally living the yarniest life possible in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she lives! Her episodes are always a rollercosaster of a ride with her yarny adventures shared amidst the backdrop of her life a mum bringing up 2 very small children. Hannah creates in lots of different types of yarn which is fascinating to see and hear about. Sometimes she'll use exquisite hand-dyed wool with yak or cashmere and at the opposite end she'll happily use acrylic and shout about it's benefits, I love it! Watch Hannah's podcast here.

And finally, a shameless plug for my own podcast: 

I've been podcasting for nearly 3 years now and it makes me so happy to gather up all the things I'm working on to share with you! I try to make it feel as though I'm having a chat with each individual viewer, whether that's showing you my latest crochet hat WiP or demonstrating the stretch in a finished pair of socks, I like to think you're by my side. My channel is mostly made up of podcasts, I'm building a library of crochet stitch tutorials there too. Join me on my colourful adventures here!

These are just a few of my favourites, I'll share some more in a future post - there's a whole world of crochet wisdom and inspiration waiting for you on YouTube! I hope I've given you a starting point for discovering new techniques, projects, and a supportive community. Remember, everyone's crochet journey is unique;  ask yarny friends for recommendations, find channels YOU like, and most importantly, soak it all up!

So, go make your favouite drink, put on your headphones, and explore these amazing crochet podcasts. 
Which channel are you most excited to check out? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time, h
appy viewing and happy crocheting,

Marta xx

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