Saturday, 10 December 2022

Not socks for Christmas again!


Yes! But what if the socks were lovingly crocheted, cosy and comfy?

I'm receiving more and more positive feedback on the fit and comfort of the socks you have crocheted following one of my patterns. I'm really pleased because I'm always trying to improve on my last design to create an even better pair of socks!

I currently have 9 sock patterns out there and number 10 is on it's way! Why not have a look and see if there's a pattern there that would make someone special very happy on Christmas morning?

  • There are 5 patterns to choose from on my website (you'll find Lyre Socks in my Winter Coorie Collection)
  • I have 2 designs which are currently exclusive (Spring Into Autumn Socks with Crate Crochet subscription box and Dunkeld Slipper Socks in The Journal of Scottish Yarns, issue 2)
  • Two of my patterns are only available on Ravelry & LoveCrafts (simply because I'd like model photos before I list them on my website)
The good news (for this time of year) is that socks work up fast and they're a very portable project that you can add a few rounds to here and there when you have a moment.

My patterns all come with video tutorial links, giving you the confidence to go create that perfect pair of socks!

I hope this post has been inspirational for you. Sign up to my mailing list to receive a weekly dose of crochet news, tips and advice here. 

Until next time,

Marta xx


Solid colours, variegated yarn or self striping yarn for socks … help!

Hello! In today's blog post I'm going to help you navigate the exciting world of colour choices for crocheting socks. I’ll go throug...